
Tidy UI when our extension loads

dmalan opened this issue · 5 comments

  1. workbench.action.closeAllEditors
  2. workbench.activityBar.visible = true
  3. workbench.statusBar.visible = false
  4. window.menuBarVisibility = false

Not sure we'll want to do the first of those; might make more sense to have a button or shell command that restores the GUI to a known layout. But helpful to determine if we could do these, at least!

It is confirmed that we can do the first 3 and in fact, item 2 & 3 are already configured in our .devcontainer.json file. Item 4 doesn't seem to be a valid setting at this point.

When are .devcontainer.json's settings loaded, though? When you hit reload in a browser? Only when the container first starts?

I.e., should we also put 2 and 3 in our extension so that they're always (re)set when a student reloads the browser (and thus our extension)?

According to https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/devcontainerjson-reference, my understanding is that .devcontainer.json's setting is loaded when the container first starts and can be viewed as the cs50 default settings for users. Users can then change settings as they see fit.

It is possible that we can use our extension to enforce some settings each time VSCode reloads.

Okay, want to try adding 2 and 3 to our extension, at which point we can perhaps remove them from .devcontainer.json?