
Compilation errors

Closed this issue · 1 comments

RnmX commented


I tried to build RPC project and came across an error. Visual Studio is complaining about "ConvertSidToStringSid" not being defined. I solved this by using "ConvertSidToStringSidW" instead.

However, next problem is that RPC-Util does not compile, it complains about:
"Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function "int __cdecl invoke_main(void)" (?invoke_main@@yahxz) RPC-Util InterProcessCommunication-Samples-master\RPC\CPP-RPC-Client-Server\RPC-Util\MSVCRTD.lib(exe_main.obj)"

I guess visual studio is not happy that RPC-Util is missing main function. I tried setting subsystem to both console as well as windows, neither helped. I also tried /noentry but that is applicable only for DLLs.

Any suggestions how to proceed? BTW I applied all suggestins from readme.

Thanks a lot!

RnmX commented

Ok, for others who got a bit confused as I did... although you can't compile solutions as whole, you don't need it. Just compile projects inside the main solution and it will work.