
Problems in using stminsights

ZackCzq opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, many thanks for the package. I'm currently learning how to use it but encountering some problems. When I run it with the results from stm, a webpage will be automatically opened to let me operate. But after I upload the .RData file, the page turns grey and I cannont do anything on it (like the attached pic). Can you please help me find the reason? Thank you very much.

Sorry I didn't see the previous closed questions "error after uploading .RData file #16".

But I still couldn't install the updated package from GitHub, as the error shows:
Error in strptime(xx, f, tz = tz) : unable to identify current timezone 'OS�?NLu鰁':
please set environment variable 'TZ'
Error: Failed to install 'stminsights' from GitHub:
installation of package ‘ggraph’ had non-zero exit status

I'm not sure what this means and how to fix it. Would appreciate it if you could kindly help me. Thanks

Problem solved. The solutions from #16 are really helpful. Plus several tips for those who have similar problems:

  1. Make sure you install the latest version of R/RStudio;
  2. Do as the error suggests like removing package/file in use and restart R;
  3. If there is an error related to timezone/'TZ', it's probably because you manually changed the system time of your computer. Using code Sys.setenv(TZ='GMT') can fix the time of R environment without changing system time;
  4. Read #16 carefully and try all the solutions in it.
    Thanks again for the package! Good luck to everyone!