
Problem in displaying STM document ID

ZackCzq opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, thanks for this awesome package. But I just met a problem when trying to inspect the documents in stminsights. The results are fine when I haven't done anything on it (pic1). When I chose to display "STM document ID" so I would trace them back in the original file, the documents just hide and I cannot inspect the results any more (pic2).

I am not sure if this is a bug or due to my wrong operation. Would appreciate it if any help could be provided. @cschwem2er


Thanks for posting this. The first think I would check is your R console running in the background while using stminsights. Does it show any warnings or error messages that might be related to the problem? In addition, I am tagging @jonneguyt here as he implemented the document ID feature and might have any idea what is going on.

Thanks for posting this. The first think I would check is your R console running in the background while using stminsights. Does it show any warnings or error messages that might be related to the problem? In addition, I am tagging @jonneguyt here as he implemented the document ID feature and might have any idea what is going on.

Thank you for reply. It did show warning as follow:
Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 100, 24

So I found that I needed to first change the required number to no more than the exact number of docs under this topic. Then it could work again.

It sounds like it should be fixable. This behavior did not pop up before. Given that you found a workaround and I'm currently busy with other things, I will leave this open and come back to it later.