
iOS Sounds not always playing

sowens-csd opened this issue · 6 comments

iOS Sounds not always playing

How did you solve this? I have this problem now in iOS (works fine in android). Pressing start does not make the start sound. Im using the example project provided. It recognises speech fine but no sounds.

I checked i have the right assests in the pubspec.yaml and my device volume is up. I'm running on an iphone 5c.

Also my soundLevelListener (the function that tracks changes to sound level) isn't being called at all.

I'm also getting a bottom overflowed by 1.8 pixels but i'm sure that isn't the cause. I think the overflow happens as the text that shows 'Error Status' has a large font size but the flex=1 is too small. The other expanded has a flex of 4 meaning it has to be 4 times bigger that the text with large font (i think) so this causes the overflow on small devices. I know not a major concern but just something i noticed.


I thought this could be device related. I tested on the simulator and it seems to be working fine. For some reason the device is not working. Will test on roommates phone when he wakes up :)

I think there might be a regression with the sound playback on iOS. I'll have a look. If it's a problem I'll open a new issue, or feel free to open a new issue if you can reproduce the problem. Thanks for the feedback! And the soundLevelListener is currently only working on Android. I have it on my list of improvements but haven't had a chance to add that functionality yet.

I tried the sound playback and it's working for me on both iOS 13 and iOS 10. Can you let me know if you're still having a problem?

Hey thanks for getting back and doing some tests.

I couldn't con my roommate into letting me use his device. I might get a device next week though. So hopefully I'll figure it out then. If not I'll open an issue

What good is a roommate that won't let you gain trusted access then manually install development level software on their personal device? You need a new roommate.