[BUG] Description: Application breaking in local environment
Gulshanaggarwal opened this issue · 6 comments
What's the issue?
Because of the application breaking I created a fresh clone of the repo, & installed the dependencies again. After starting the server with npm run dev it starts the server but when I click on signup today buttonit doesn't take me there. If I type signup page url explicitly in my browser than it gives me the error.
@ykdojo give a look at it
@Gulshanaggarwal did you add Supabase URL and API keys?
@ykdojo I have already done with this. One more thing there is problem also on production side(just figured out). Gotohttps://defaang.vercel.app/ & click on signup today. If you already signed up then signin. Once you signin with your credentials, you will not be taken to the dashboard.
@Gulshanaggarwal what did you mean by the dashboard?
@Gulshanaggarwal what did you mean by the dashboard?
The page users see after signin.
@Gulshanaggarwal does it already exist in the current codebase? I'm just not sure what you mean by dashboard exactly.