
Spacing issue in Monego with Ligatures font

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Found it as solid combinations of original Monaco font enriched with Bold/Italic and Ligatures. But got very strange spacing between letters. At the same time regular Monego doesn't have such issues.

Here is piece of text rendered with Monego with Ligatures.
See apostrophe ' is too close to closing square bracket ],
underscore _ is too close to the previous symbol and slightly lower that base line of text,
r is too close to the following symbol

Here is the same text rendered with regular Monego

and Monaco for Powerline (Monaco extended with Ligatures, but no Bold/Italic)

Rendered with IntelliJ PyCharm on MacOS, but observed with other apps on MacOS as well.

Hopping that there might be quick fix for that.

I'm aware of those issues, but haven't found I way to mitigate them.