
I saw this benchmark on this page. In comments someone asked reason of this improvement. I was sure this is due to new Implicit and Value Classes. Value Classes provide inlining instead of object creation at run-time. This means there should be less object allocation in scala 2.10. I used google's allocation instrumenter
to inspect object allocations. You can find it [here] (http://code.google.com/p/java-allocation-instrumenter/)


sbt assembly

This will create a jar file in target with name bench2.10.jar. You can change scala version and sbt version by manipulating build.sbt

java -javaagent:lib/allocation.jar -jar target/bench2.10.jar  1 1

This will instrument code and create a report. First Parameter for number of iterations on Sundaram second is for Eratosthenes


30 times more allocation on Eratosthenes Becnmark with scala 2.9.2. Thats why it is so fast in 2.10

java -javaagent:lib/allocation.jar -jar target/bench2.10.jar  1 1
Sieve of Sundaram

Cold results: 
	Average: 	5283.500000ms
	Median: 	6045ms
	Mode: 		4522ms
	Allocation: 	29353347

Warm results: 
	Average: 	4338.000000ms
	Median: 	4505ms
	Mode: 		4171ms
	Allocation: 	29368200    

Sieve of Eratosthenes

Cold results: 
	Average: 	1476.500000ms
	Median: 	1537ms
	Mode: 		1416ms
	Allocation: 	1061630

Warm results: 
	Average: 	1261.000000ms
	Median: 	1264ms
	Mode: 		1258ms
	Allocation: 	1061789

java -javaagent:lib/allocation.jar -jar target/bench2.9.2.jar  1 1	 

Sieve of Sundaram

Cold results: 
	Average: 	6280.500000ms
	Median: 	6510ms
	Mode: 		6051ms
	Allocation: 	39809032

Warm results: 
	Average: 	5591.500000ms
	Median: 	5615ms
	Mode: 		5568ms
	Allocation: 	40779511

Sieve of Eratosthenes

Cold results: 
	Average: 	4537.000000ms
	Median: 	4608ms
	Mode: 		4466ms
	Allocation: 	28596804

Warm results: 
	Average: 	4332.500000ms
	Median: 	4336ms
	Mode: 		4329ms
	Allocation: 	28596971