
urllinks.py sample code needs an import update to run beautifulsoup

nratzan opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi Dr. Chuck,

I love the py4e courses! Thank you.

The urllinks.py sample code needs updating so beautiful soup works with newer versions of python, e.g. 3.10.

I'm getting an error saying the module collections isn't callable.

I found a solution on stackoverflow:

The urllinks.py file should have this included:

import collections
collections.Callable = collections.abc.Callable

Thank you for making so many great, free resources!

csev commented

Thanks Noah - this summer I will be going through these issues and fixing the course content.

Hi Noah,
The version in https://www.py4e.com/code3/urllinks.py is working fine it seems. I have checked it both on Replit and Google Colab as well