- 3
- 1
- 2
- 1
Line 13 in py4e/code3/
#245 opened by sixsixseven - 1
- 2
Division by zero: py4e/code3/, py4e/code/, py4e/code3/ and py4e/code/
#264 opened by solomon-s-b - 1 code in ch14 outputs wrong
#194 opened by mrbrodeur - 2
Typo Chapter 12 Networked Programs
#203 opened by nicolopz - 1
HTML Chapter 6, Exercise 4 Formatting
#199 opened by ehanno - 2
Slides Chap#4 (functions) and Chap#14 (Object Oriented) are empty when downloaded
#207 opened by vanessaklein - 1
- 2
bug on # Code:
#205 opened by mice73jp - 1
#258 opened by ClenioCampolina - 0
quit() in try and except coding examples
#265 opened by upstate-NY-reviewer - 0
chapter_8 ex_1 failure
#250 opened by realdabrowski - 3
book3/ch13 googlemap api key-locked
#209 opened by Lheeli - 1
PY4E data structure EX:9.4
#222 opened by MennaAssal - 3
Assignment 5.2 PY4E coursera
#232 opened by kratisinghai - 2
Chapter 13, first diagram
#249 opened by tedfuyk - 1
Code in intro, minor improvement
#241 opened by wstomv - 1
New typo on Ch. 15, missing codequote
#252 opened by sixsixseven - 0
Tree representation of XML
#240 opened by milobravman - 0
- 1
11-regex- ex2 peek problem in VS Code
#233 opened by Atomx3 - 0
Chapter 11-regex
#260 opened by BenSYZ - 4
Chapter 4 - Following through the course, I do not see where it was taught to be able to accomplish exercise 4.6....
#283 opened by 4Python3 - 1
Exercise 3.1
#278 opened by aagzgc - 0
Chapter 11 Regex: typo in the code example. Top-level domain validation expression
#277 opened by nikolayrantsev - 1
- 0
- 0
Slides translation
#270 opened by DoodlesEpic - 0
6 Chapter Quiz: Strings
#269 opened by luqkrzy - 0
python 3 slides
#224 opened by IbraamNasif - 0
Small typo in Summary subhead
#251 opened by IamSMOF - 3
Ch.13 - Video Missing
#256 opened by timmid1 - 0
- 2
Typo on Chapter 11
#218 opened by ck39 - 2
Typo in Ch. 15/twspider
#247 opened by zjfelling - 1 Minor Correction
#248 opened by zjfelling - 3
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
Ch. 3, Exercise 2 issue
#226 opened by douano - 1
- 0
Tiny Typo in Chapter 1: Introduction
#196 opened by AsalBarak - 1
"async" / "await" now keywords in Python, not in Chapter 2 keyword list
#212 opened by sciencecompliance - 1
No Mention of Sets / Frozen Sets
#213 opened by sciencecompliance - 3
Code error in Chapter 7 (
#190 opened by nishkalavallabhi