
To remove obsolete functionality, this library must be tidied up

Closed this issue · 2 comments

A lot of functionality is now a part of the CSF.ORM repository. It hasn't been removed from here yet though. This ticket is to tidy this repo up and remove the obsolete logic.

Also, when doing it, this library should be multi-targeted. This library should support the same environments as the NHibernate versions it supports. Additionally, it may be appropriate to provide more than one "version" of this library, to support multiple versions of NHibernate (4 and 5).

Functionality to keep

This is the list of functionality which should remain in this library. Everything else should be removed.

  • The mapping type for binary GUIDs
  • The functionality which selects the Mono-compatible SQLite driver
  • The mapping type for Fractions (dependent on that library, so split into a project of its own)
  • The extension method to unproxy an object, via the session

This is high-priority because it has a dependency upon an outdated version of CSF.Reflection. That dependency must also be updated.

Fixed as of 0825697.