
Update data carpentry section

Robinlovelace opened this issue · 1 comments

  • description of tibble may be out of date
  • check tidy descriptions
  • Do exercises still make sense
  • Rerun comparisons
  • warnings in 6.4.5
  • rlang warnings

Initial thoughts:

  • description of tibble may be out of date
  • check tidy descriptions
  • Do exercises still make sense
  • Rerun comparisons
  • warnings in 6.4.5
  • rlang warnings

Broken URLs

files = list.files(".", pattern = "*.Rmd")
urls = suppressWarnings(system2("grep", c("-Eo \"(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\+:/?=_-]*\"", 
                                          files[5]), stdout = TRUE))

for (url in urls) {
  ping = try(httr::GET(url), silent = TRUE)
  if (class(ping) == "try-error") {
    cli::cat_bullet(glue::glue("{url}: {ping}"))
  } else if (ping$status != 200) {
    cli::cat_bullet(glue::glue("{url}: {ping$status}"))