
support for node 0.4.2

Closed this issue · 3 comments

$ npm install grasshopper
npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm info using npm@0.3.15
npm info using node@v0.4.2
npm info range formidable@>=0.9.9
npm info range gently@>=0.7.0
npm ERR! gently@0.8.0 not compatible with this version of node/npm
npm ERR! Requires: {"node":"*"}
npm ERR! You have: {"node":"v0.4.2","npm":"0.3.15"}
npm not ok

seems like gently isn't working with the latest version of node.

cskr commented

Grasshopper installation through npm 0.3.15 works just fine here. Try these.

npm uninstall grasshopper formidable gently
npm cache clean
npm install grasshopper

thanks for fast reply!

Can't run "npm uninstall grasshopper formidable gently" because it's not installed as you can see in my first post. Gently seems to have a problem.

$ npm uninstall grasshopper formidable gently
npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm info using npm@0.3.15
npm info using node@v0.4.2
npm info not installed grasshopper
npm info not installed formidable
npm info not installed gently

cskr commented

Since it works for me, I'm unable to do anything about this. Please report it to gently/npm. I guess it has something to do with your specific setup.