

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Could you elaborate on more practical use-cases for this? :) I get what a JIT is and all and whilst a trivial example of a function that returns 123 is interesting and all; what other practical uses-cases can one expect from Lyn? :) -- What are your own plans/goals for this?

I heard this story about a researcher who wanted to make a PostScript driver, or something to that effect. After a long time, he showed his colleagues a single sheet of paper with a large "A" printed on it. They laughed at him, because now he had to finish the rest of the alphabet. :-)

Well, I just wanted to play with GNU Lightning in Python, but couldn't find any bindings. So I made this. GNU Lightning is used for JIT-compilation in GNU Smalltalk, Racket and CLISP. And probably in many other projects.

I don't have any particular grand plan for this work, yet. But I'd like to write a feature-complete binding to GNU Lightning, and we'll see what, if anything, comes out of it. I'm pretty sure a lot of people will want to use Lyn, though.


Cool thanks for the response! :) I'm sure I'll want to play around with it myself! THanks for writing this and publishing it!

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