
oauth setting for clairvoyance

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Clv oauth


  • Get away from config for OAUTH

  • Management server(less) for users

  • You only have serveral things to know:

      1. How to get user's access token
      1. How to fetch user's data with access token
      1. Go serverless

Get started

1. How to get user's access token

  • The best way to understand what's going on is to do it again step by step.

  • Get you facebook app id: APP_ID, and set the application url in facebook app console

  • This is your request to get your grant code

You can specify the scope


FYI, there are all GET method

  • After you click the confirm button, facebook will redirect to your redirect_uri, and it will append GRANT_CODE after your redirect uri
  • Then, time to fetch your access token with your grant code
  • Finally you will receive a json response:
  "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 5174611,
  "auth_type": "rerequest"

2 Fetch user data with access token

  • Fetch user's data with access token you got in the previous step
  • By default, it will only return id and name
    "id": "USER_ID",
    "name": "Denny Ku"
  • But you can specify the fields that you want to know

If you want to get avatar of user:


And if you don't add the parameter redirect=false, you can't access the image directly:

It will response a json:

  "data": {
    "is_silhouette": false,
    "url": "PICTURE_URL"

For more detail, check the official doc,

Engineer at facebook definitely make (api's) world a better place

3. Go serverless

  • The most of all, you should never let the APP_SECRET expose on client side.

  • Then let's break down the task of how to get your access token:

    • Send request to get the grant code

      • Access https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=${clientId}&redirect_uri=${redirectUri}&auth_type=rerequest&scope=email,public_profile,user_friends

      • Then you will redirect to redirectUri with grant code(redirectUri is handled by our serverless backend)

      • Serverless backend should detect the grant code then

    • Fetch access token with grant code


  • [] Facebook login


  • Set variables of :

    • fb_secret

    • app_id

    • endpoint_url