
Fa20 Week 2

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Week 2 folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RcFbW_YvKur6dEC2VlXMa6q_x81h33gt?usp=sharing

Good worksheet, finished early
Length was good
On the easy side
Maybe give a wider range of difficulty
Add a challenge problem possibly
Env diagrams?
Concerning for sections earlier in the week
Maybe throw one problem on the end
Different flavor for problems

Many of these problems were addressed in intervening semesters.

  • min_fact was added as a challenge problem.
  • We've replaced leap-year, which was a subpar problem for many reasons, with pow-of-2
  • Environment diagrams: not applicable with new workflow/schedule.
  • Made problems tastier

Issue: no longer relevant to updated worksheet. Closed.