
The STKSitar opcode can create a buildup of clipped samples as illustrated by the attached csd file

Closed this issue · 1 comments

as i don't have time right now to look into this myself, so I'm forwarding an oldish (6 years!) bug-report from Debian (here's the original bugreport), that appears to still be present in Csound-6.16

The following CSD produces unexpected output: this may be a problem with
Csound, or STK, or both -- I'm filing this as a Csound bug because that's the
application I'm using when I experience the problem.

The CSD has two descending tone sequences played with the STKSitar opcode. The
duration of each note is 0.4 seconds and they are played 0.1 seconds apart, so
there should be no more than 4 notes playing simultaneously. Towards the end of
the first descending sequence, the volume shoots up dramatically, creating a
great deal of distortion.

There is a pause of 1.0 seconds before the second descending sequence, which
should be adequate for all notes from the first sequence to complete. Yet when
the second sequence plays, the distortion occurs almost immediately, on notes
which played without issue during the first tone sequence.

It appears that some sort of buffer is building up and not being flushed
adequately, but that's just speculation.

find the CSD in STKSitar_overflow.zip

The STK opcodes have been removed from the Csound sources and put into a separate repository for plugins:
https://github.com/csound/plugins. So we would not deal with it here anymore. If you wish to open up a ticket there, you're welcome. However, at the moment there is no maintainer there, so it will not be looked after immediately.
Since it's dependent on STK, this is likely also to be a bug in STK.