
Leaflet - Map 1

EarthQuake Data for the last 30 Days Internationally

This Map displays Earthquake Data in United States for the last 30 days. The data markers for each of the earthquakes during the time period reflect the magnitude of the earthquake by it's size, and depth of the earthquake by color. Upon clicking each marker, is a pop-up diplay that includes exact location, date and time, magnitude, and depth of the earthquake.

Leaflet - Map 2

EarthQuake Data for the Last 7 Days Internationally, Tectonic Plate OverLay

This Map displays Earthquake Data internationally for the last 7 days. The data markers for each earthquake during this time reflects the magnitude of the earthquake by it's size, and depth of the earthquake by color. Upon clicking each marker, is a pop-up display that includes exact location, date and time, magnitude, and depth of the earthquake. Included on this map is a Tectonic Plate Overlay that illustrates the relationship between the tectonic plates and seismic activity. Also included as an option for geographic reference is a satelite basemap display.

Zoomed with Depth Legend

application deployment
Data Sources:

Tectonic Plate Boundaries

Earthquake Data

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Bootstrap Components, Leaflet, MapBox