logfmt.requestLogger() never logs x-forwarded-for
preflightsiren opened this issue · 2 comments
preflightsiren commented
I'm looking at adding logging to an express app
I simply have it loaded with:
app.use logfmt.requestLogger()
when I use curl to request a route
curl -I -H "X-Forwarded-For:" localhost:5000
the output is:
ip= time=2014-01-06T23:36:01.576Z method=HEAD path=/ status=200 content_length=50754 content_type="text/html; charset=utf-8" elapsed=261ms
I patched requst_logger.js:12 to
var ip = httpHeader || req.connection.remoteAddress;
and now it's correctly printing the right ip.
What's the role of req.ip ? I can't see it in the nodejs API docs
preflightsiren commented
found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19266329/node-js-get-clients-ip that states req.ip is a part of express - need to investigate
preflightsiren commented
yeah it's part of express https://github.com/visionmedia/express/blob/master/test/req.ip.js?source=c details the expected behaviour.
in my case I needed to provide add
app.enable('trust proxy');