[译] [101] Web 标准:是敌是友?
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Web standards: friend or foe?
Web 标准:是敌是友?
The standards process
图 1.1
“Standards are like sausages: it’s better not to see them being made” -- Anonymous W3C WG member
“标准就像香肠:最好别去看它们是怎么做出来的。”——某位匿名的 W3C 工作组成员
Contrary to popular belief, the W3C does not “make” standards. Instead, it acts as a forum for interested parties to get together and do so, in its W3C Working Groups. Of course, the W3C is not a mere observer: it sets the ground rules and it oversees the process. But it’s not (primarily) W3C staff that actually write the specifications.
与大众的理解大相径庭的是,W3C 并不 “生产” 标准。实际上,它扮演的是一个论坛的角色——W3C 以工作组的方式,把某项技术的相关各方聚集起来,最终由他们来产出标准。当然,W3C 并不只是一个观察者:它设定了整个平台的规则,监督整个进程。但这些技术规范(基本上)并不是由 W3C 的工作人员编写完成的。
CSS specifications, in particular, are written by the members of the CSS Working Group, often abbreviated as CSS WG. At the time of writing, the CSS WG includes 98 members, and its composition is as follows:
CSS 规范通常是由 CSS 工作组的成员来编写的。在编写本书时,CSS 工作组共有 98 名成员,人员结构如下:
- 86 members from W3C member companies (88%)
- 7 Invited Experts, including yours truly (7%)
- 5 W3C staff members (5%)
- 86 名来自 W3C 会员公司的成员(88%)
- 7 名特邀专家(笔者有幸在列)(7%)
- 5 名 W3C 工作人员(5%)
图 1.2
The composition of the CSS WG:
- Member companies
- Invited Experts
- W3C staff members
CSS 工作组的人员结构:
- 会员公司
- 特邀专家
- W3C 工作人员
As you might notice, the vast majority of WG members (88%) come from W3C member companies. These are companies--such as browser vendors, popular websites, research institutes, general technology companies, etc.--that have a vested interest in seeing web standards flourish. Their yearly membership dues represent the majority of the W3C’s funding, enabling the Consortium to distribute its specifications freely and openly, unlike other standards bodies that have to charge for them.
你可能注意到了,工作组的绝大多数成员(88%)来自于 W3C 会员公司。这些公司(比如浏览器厂商、主流网站、研究机构、常规技术公司等)都是 Web 标准兴旺发展的直接受益者。它们每年的会费也是 W3C 的主要资金来源,使得 W3C 能够免费、开放地发布所有技术规范,而不像其他标准制定组织那样不得不采取收费政策来维持运作。
Invited Experts are web developers who have been asked to participate in the standards process, after demonstrating a continuous commitment to helping out, and a sufficient technical background to participate in the discussions.
特邀专家是指那些被邀请参与标准制定的 Web 开发者。在真正获得这样的殊荣之前,他们需要证明自己在解决难题时能够持续不断地投入、在参与讨论时能够体现出深厚的技术背景。
Last, but not least, W3C staff members are people who actually work at the Consortium and facilitate communication between the WG and the W3C.
最后,同样不可忽视的是W3C 工作人员。他们才是真正在 W3C 内工作的人,他们为工作组和 W3C 之间的交流提供便利。
A widespread misconception among web developers is that the W3C creates standards from up high that the poor browsers then have to follow, whether they like them or not. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth: browser vendors have much more of a say than the W3C in what goes into standards, as evidenced by the numbers listed before.
Web 开发者们普遍存在一个误解,以为 W3C 手握标准、号令天下,而可怜的浏览器厂商们则唯唯诺诺、莫敢不从。但这显然不是真相——对于哪些东西该进入标准,浏览器厂商们比 W3C 有多得多的发言权,因为上面列出的人员结构已经证明了这一点。
Also contrary to popular belief, standards are not created in a vacuum, behind closed doors. The CSS WG is committed to transparency and all its communications are open to the public, inviting review and participation:
同样跟大众观念截然相反的是,标准并不是闭门造车造出来的。CSS 工作组坚持透明原则,它内部所有的交流都是公开的,并邀请公众的关注和参与:
- Most discussions happen in its mailing list, www-style. www-style is publicly archived, and is open to participation from anyone.
- 绝大多数的讨论都发生在工作组的邮件列表 www-style 中。这个邮件列表是公开存档的,欢迎任何人的参与。
- There is a weekly telcon, with a duration of one hour. This is not open to participation by non-WG members, but is minuted in real time in the #css channel on the W3C’s IRC server. These minutes are then cleaned up and posted to the mailing list a few days later.
- 每周都会召开一次电话会议,时长一小时。这个会议并不向非工作组成员开放,但它会被实时记录在 W3C 的 IRC 服务器 上的 #css 频道。这些会议记录会在几天内整理出来,并发布到邮件列表中。
- There are also quarterly face-to-face meetings, which are also minuted in the same fashion as telcons. They are also often open to observation (auditing), after requesting permission from the WG chairs.
- 还有每季度一次的面对面会议,也会以上述方式进行会议记录。在获得工作组主席的许可之后,这类会议也通常会对观察员开放(以旁听的方式)。
All this is part of the W3C process and has to do with decision making. However, the ones that are actually responsible for putting these decisions to writing (i.e., authoring the specifications) are the Spec Editors. Spec Editors might be W3C staff members, browser developers, interested Invited Experts, or member company employees who are doing it as a full-time job, paid by their companies to advance standards for the common good.
所有这些都是 W3C 进程的一部分,任何决定都是通过这样的方式来产生的。此外,那些真正负责把这些决定写成文字(即编撰规范)的人叫作规范编辑。规范编辑可能是 W3C 的工作人员、浏览器开发者、相关专业的特邀专家,也可能是会员公司的雇员,他们全职受薪从事此工作、为了共同利益去推进标准。
Interested in learning more? Elika Etemad (fantasai) has written a series of amazing articles on how the CSS WG operates. Very highly recommended.
想了解更多这方面的信息?Elika Etemad(网名 fantasai)写了一系列非常精彩的关于 CSS 工作组如何运作的文章,强烈推荐。
Each specification goes through multiple stages as it evolves from initial inception to maturity:
- Editor’s Draft (ED): The first stage of a spec could be as messy as being just a collection of ideas by the spec editor. There are no requirements for this stage and no guarantee that it’s approved by the WG. However, this is also the first stage of every revision: all changes are first made in an ED, then published.
- First Public Working Draft (FPWD): The first published version of a spec, after it’s deemed ready for public feedback by the WG.
- Working Draft (WD): There are many WDs after the first one, each slightly better, incorporating feedback from the WG and the broader community. First implementations often start at this stage, but it’s not unheard of to have experimental implementations of earlier stage specs.
- Candidate Recommendation (CR): This is considered a relatively stable version. Now it’s time for implementations and tests. A spec cannot advance past this stage without a full test suite and at least two independent implementations.
- Proposed Recommendation (PR): Last chance for W3C member companies to express disagreement with the specification. This rarely happens, so it’s usually just a matter of time for every PR spec to move to the next, final stage.
- Recommendation (REC): The final stage of a W3C specification.
- 编辑草案(ED):这是一项规范的初始阶段,可能非常粗糙,就像是编辑们想法的大杂烩。对这个阶段没有什么要求,也不保证它会被工作组批准。但它也是各个修订版本的必经阶段——每次变更都是先从一个 ED 中产生的,然后才会发布出来。
- 首个公开工作草案(FPWD):一项规范的首个公开发布的版本,它应该准备就绪,以接受 WG 的公开反馈。
- 工作草案(WD):在第一个 WD 之后,还会有更多的 WD 出来。这些 WD 会吸收来自工作组和更广阔的社区的反馈,一版接着一版小幅改进。浏览器的早期实现通常是从这个阶段开始的,厂商们基本不太可能对更早阶段的草案提供实验性的支持。
- 候选推荐规范(CR):这可以认为是一个相对稳定的版本。此时比较适合实现和测试。一项规范只有具备一套完整的测试套件和两个独立的实现之后,才有可能继续推进到下一阶段。
- 提名推荐规范(PR):这是 W3C 会员公司对这项规范表达反对意见的最后机会。实际上他们很少在这个阶段提出异议,因此每个 PR 推进到下一阶段(也是最后一个阶段)只是时间问题。
- 正式推荐规范(REC):一项 W3C 技术规范的最终阶段。
One or two WG members have the role of being chairs. Chairs are responsible for organizing meetings, coordinating calls, timekeeping, and generally moderating the whole thing. Being chair is a very time-consuming and energy-draining role, and is frequently compared to herding cats. Of course, everyone involved in standards knows that such a comparison is moot: herding cats is actually considerably easier.
图 1.3
Chairing a W3C Working Group is frequently compared to herding cats
主持一个 W3C 工作组往往被比作养一大群猫。
CSS3, CSS4, and other mythical creatures
CSS3、CSS4 以及其他神秘生物
CSS 1 was a very short and relatively simple specification, published in 1996 by Håkon Wium Lie and Bert Bos. It was so small that it was all included in a single HTML page, which required around 68 sheets of A4 paper to print.
CSS 1 的规范非常短,而且相对比较简单,由 Håkon Wium Lie 和 Bert Bos 发布于 1996 年。它的内容少到用一个 HTML 页面就足以呈现了,即使用 A4 纸打印出来也只需要 68 页。
CSS 2, published in 1998, was more strictly defined, and included much more power and two more spec editors: Chris Lilley and Ian Jacobs. At this point, the length of the specification had grown to 480 (!) printed pages and was already getting too big to be held in human memory in its entirety.
CSS 2 发表于 1998 年,它的定义更加严格,囊括了更多的功能,而且增加了两名编辑:Chris Lilley 和 Ian Jacobs。此时,规范的篇幅暴增到了 480 页打印纸,以致于正常人类已经无法把它完整地记下来了。
After CSS Level 2, the CSS WG realized that the language was getting too big to be contained in a single specification. Not only was it extremely unwieldy to read and edit, but it was also holding CSS back. Remember that for a specification to advance to the final stages, every single feature in it needs at least two independent implementations and exhaustive tests. This was no longer practical. Therefore, it was decided that going forward, CSS was going to be broken into multiple specifications (modules), each with its own versioning. Those that expand on features that were already present in CSS 2.1 would have a level number of 3. For example, some of these modules are:
在 CSS 2 之后,CSS 工作组意识到这门语言已经变得非常庞大了,再也无法把它塞进单个规范中了。这样不仅阅读和编辑极其困难,而且也限制了 CSS 本身的快速发展。别忘了,一项规范如果要推进到最终阶段,其中的每项特性都必需具备两个独立的实现和全面的测试。原先的那种方式已经玩不转了。因此,我们决定跨出一步,将 CSS 打散到多个不同的规范(模块)中,每个模块都可以独立更新版本。这其中,那些延续 CSS 2.1 已有特性的模块会升级到 3 这个版本号。比如以下这些模块:
- CSS Syntax
- CSS Cascading and Inheritance
- CSS Color
- Selectors
- CSS Backgrounds & Borders
- CSS Values and Units
- CSS Text
- CSS Text Decoration
- CSS Fonts
- CSS Basic User Interface
- CSS 语法
- CSS 层叠与继承
- CSS 颜色
- 选择符
- CSS 背景与边框
- CSS 值与单位
- CSS 文本排版
- CSS 文本装饰效果
- CSS 字体
- CSS 基本 UI 特性
However, modules that introduce entirely new concepts start from Level 1. Here are a few examples:
此外,如果某个模块是前所未有的新概念,那它的版本号将从 1 开始。比如下面这些:
- CSS Transforms
- Compositing and Blending
- Filter Effects
- CSS Masking
- CSS Flexible Box Layout
- CSS Grid Layout
- CSS 变形
- 图像混合效果
- 滤镜效果
- CSS 遮罩
- CSS 伸缩盒布局
- CSS 网格布局
Despite the popularity of the “CSS3” buzzword, there is actually no specification defining such a thing, like there was for CSS 2.1 or its predecessors. Instead, what most authors are referring to is an arbitrary set of Level 3 specs, plus some Level 1 specs. Although there is some good degree of consensus among authors on which specs are included in “CSS3,” as CSS modules evolve at different rates over the years, it will become more and more difficult to refer to things like CSS3, CSS4, and so on and be universally understood.
尽管 “CSS3” 这个名词非常流行,但它实际上并没有在任何规范中定义过——这一点跟 CSS 2.1 或更早的 CSS 1 不一样。真正的情况是,绝大多数编辑在提到这个词时,指的是一个非正式的集合,它包括 CSS 规范第三版(Level 3)再加上一些版本号还是 1 的新规范。尽管在哪些规范应该归作 “CSS3” 的问题上,编辑们基本上是有共识的,但我们也不得不面对现实——由于 CSS 的各个模块在近些年里是以不同速度在推进的,我们已经越来越难以把这些规范以 CSS3、CSS4 这样的方式来划分了,而且这样也难以被大众理解和接受。
A story of ice, fire, and vendor prefixes
In standards development, there is always a big catch-22: standards groups need input from developers to create specifications that address real development needs. However, developers are generally not interested in trying out things they can’t use in production. When experimental technologies get widely used in production, the WG is forced to stick with the early, experimental version of the technology, to avoid breaking several existing websites if they change it. Obviously, this completely negates the benefits of getting developers to try out early standards.
在标准的开发过程中,总是有一条大大的 “第 22 条军规” 挡在面前{1[译注:《第 22 条军规》是美国作家 Joseph Heller 的作表作,这部讽刺小说被誉为 20 世纪最伟大的文学作品之一。书中提到的 “第 22 条军规” 是一条自相矛盾的、永远不可能执行的悖论。]}:标准的工作组需要网页开发者这一端的输入,以确保各项规范可以处理真实的开发需求。但是,开发者们往往没有兴趣尝试那些在生产环境中还不能使用的东西。当实验性的技术被广泛应用到生产时,工作组就被这些技术早期的、实验性的版本捆住手脚了,因为一旦这些技术有变动,那些已经在用这些技术的网站就挂了。显然,这完全否定了让开发者尝试早期标准的好处。
Over the years, many solutions have been proposed to address this conundrum, none of them perfect. The universally despised vendor prefixes were one of them. The idea was that every browser would be able to implement experimental (or even proprietary) features with their own prefix prepended to its name. The most common prefixes are -moz-
for Firefox, -ms-
for IE, -o-
for Opera, and -webkit-
for Safari and Chrome. Developers would be able to freely experiment with these prefixed features and provide feedback to the WG, which would then incorporate this feedback into the specs and slowly perfect the design of the feature. Because the final, standardized version would have a different name (no prefix), it wouldn’t collide with the existing uses of its prefixed counterparts.
这些年来,为了解决这个难题,许多方案被提了出来,但都不够完美。饱受诟病的浏览器前缀就是其中之一。这个方案是指每个浏览器都可以实现这些实验性的(或甚至是私有的、非标准的)特性,但要在名称前面加上自己特有的前缀。最常见的前缀分别是 Firefox 所用的 -moz-
、IE 所用的 -ms-
、Opera 的 -o-
以及 Safari 和 Chrome 所用的 -webkit-
Sounds great, right? Of course, as you probably know, the reality was quite different from the vision. When developers realized that these experimental, vendor-prefixed properties could make it so much easier to create effects that previously required messy workarounds, they started using them everywhere. Vendor-prefixed properties quickly became the CSS trend of the time. Tutorials were written, StackOverflow replies were given, and soon almost every self-respecting CSS developer was using them all over the place.
听起来不错,对吧?但是,你可能也猜到了,现实距离我们的期望往往有着很大的落差。当开发者们发现这些实验性的、加了前缀的属性可以轻而易举地实现以前大费周章才能达到效果时,他们就开始撒开了用了。这些加了浏览器前缀的属性迅速成为 CSS 领域的一大潮流。网上的教程会写出它们、StackOverflow 上的问答会提到它们,很快,几乎每个有上进心的 CSS 开发者都开始争先恐后地使用它们。
Eventually, authors realized that using only existing vendor prefixes meant they would have to go back to previous work and add new declarations every time another browser implemented their favorite cool new CSS feature. Not to mention how hard it became to keep up with which prefixes were needed for what feature. The solution? Add all possible vendor prefixes preemptively, including the unprefixed version at the end, to future-proof it. We ended up with code like the following:
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-ms-border-radius: 10px;
-o-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
Two of the declarations here are completely redundant: -ms-border-radius
and -o-border-radius
never existed in any browser, as IE and Opera implemented border-radius
unprefixed from the get-go.
和 -o-border-radius
这两个属性从来没有在任何浏览器中出现过,因为 IE 和 Opera 从一开始就是直接实现 border-radius
Obviously, repeating every declaration up to five times was tedious and unmaintainable. It was only a matter of time until tools were built to automate this:
- Websites like CSS3, Please! or pleeease allow you to paste your unprefixed CSS code and get back CSS with all necessary prefixes added. Such apps were among the first ideas devised to automate vendor prefix addition, but are not very popular anymore, as using them incurs quite a lot of overhead compared to other solutions.
- 像 CSS3, Please! 和 pleeease 这样的网站,允许你把无前缀的 CSS 代码粘贴进去,它会自动帮你把必要的前缀都加好。这类网站是 “前缀危机” 所催生出的第一批工具,但很快它们就过气了,因为跟其他方案相比,它们的使用成本太高了。
- Autoprefixer uses the database from Can I Use... to determine which prefixes to add to unprefixed code and compiles it locally, like a preprocessor.
- Autoprefixer 采用 Can I Use... 的数据库来判断哪些前缀是需要添加的;此外,它是在本地完成编译的,类似预处理器。
- My own -prefix-free performs feature testing in the browser to determine which prefixes are needed. The benefit is that it rarely needs updating, as it gets everything from the browser environment, including the list of properties.
- 我自己开发的 -prefix-free 会在浏览器中进行特性检测,来决定哪些前缀是需要的。它的好处在于它几乎不需要更新,因为它所有信息都是用一份属性清单在真实的浏览器环境中跑出来的结果。
- Preprocessors like LESS or Sass don’t offer any means of prefixing out of the box, but many authors create mixins for the features they prefix most often, and there are several libraries of such mixins in circulation.
- 类似 Stylus、LESS 或 Sass 这样的预处理器本身并不自带任何加前缀的方法,但很多人开发过一些能为常用属性加前缀的 mixin;社区中也有一些库提供了这类 mixin。
Because authors were using the unprefixed version of features as a means to future-proof their code, it became impossible to change them. We were basically stuck with half-baked early specs that we could change in very limited ways. It didn’t take long for everyone involved to realize that vendor prefixes were an epic failure.
These days, vendor prefixes are rarely used for new experimental implementations. Instead, experimental features require config flags to be turned on, effectively preventing developers from using them in production, as you can’t really tell users to change their settings in order to view your website properly. Of course, this has the consequence that fewer authors get to play with experimental features, but we still get enough feedback, and arguably, better quality feedback, without the drawbacks of vendor prefixes. However, it will be a long time before the ripple effects of vendor prefixes stop haunting us all.
到底,CSS 有多少种布局方式?感觉很多中文名上都混淆了……