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Thank you for purchasing the MEAP for Learn AI-Assisted Python Programming.

感谢您购买《AI 辅助编程》这本书的预览版。

We’re at the start of a new era in programming. AI coding assistants are here—-ChatGPT, Copilot, and others—-and they’re transforming how people program. The two of us have spent our careers researching and enhancing student learning of programming. We have never been more excited about the possibilities that AI coding assistants bring for the beginner or would-be programmer.

我们即将迈入编程的新时代。AI 编程助手已经登场,像 ChatGPT、GitHub Copilot 等工具正在改变编程的方式。在我们二人的职业生涯中,一直致力于研究和提升学生在编程领域的学习效率。当我们看到 AI 编程助手为初学者和未来程序员们所带来的无限可能,我们感到无比兴奋。

In this book, we fully embrace these tools and use them to offer an alternative way to learn how to write software. We believe that new learners of Python shouldn’t be spending time learning low-level details that are now mostly solved by the AI coding assistants. Instead, we believe that these tools empower you to write larger and more powerful software faster.

在这本书中,我们完全拥抱这些工具,并借助它们提出了一种全新的编程学习方法。我们认为,Python 新手不该深究那些 AI 编程助手已经处理得很好的底层细节;与此相反,你应该充分享受这些工具的赋能,以更快的速度编写更复杂、更强大的软件。

This book is for those who are interested in learning how to write software with Python or for the many people who tried and failed (we get it!) to learn how to write Python code in the traditional way. No prior programming skills are required, but we expect you to be comfortable with installing software and managing files.

这本书适合那些有兴趣学习 Python 编程的人士,以及太多太多尝试过传统学习方法但失败了的人们(我们懂的!)。虽然并不需要具备任何编程技能,但我们还是希望你可以熟练地进行软件安装和文件管理。

We’ve organized the book to get you started writing software with Copilot right from the start. Then we teach you the essential skills that you need to program with Copilot effectively: code reading, problem decomposition, and testing. After that, we’ll bring all the skills together to write small software projects in meaningful domains.

我们组织了这本书,让你从一开始就能够开始使用 Copilot 编写软件。然后,我们教你与 Copilot 有效编程所需的基本技能:代码阅读、问题分解和测试。之后,我们将所有技能汇集起来,编写在有意义的领域中的小型软件项目。

我们精心安排了本书的结构,确保你一开始就能运用 Copilot 编写代码。接下来,我们将传授 Copilot 高效编程的核心技能:阅读代码、分析问题、进行测试。最后,我们会将这些技能结合起来,在具有实际意义的领域中完成小型软件项目的编写。

At the same time, we need to caution you: it’s early. These tools seem to be changing on a daily basis. We don’t know what programming will look like when the dust settles. The two of us are exploring new territory with few established answers and we are excited to start this journey with you.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please share them in Manning’s liveBook Discussion forum for our book.

如果您对这本书有任何疑问、意见或建议,请在 Manning 的开放出版论区分享。

-—Leo Porter and Daniel Zingaro

——利奥·波特(Leo Porter)与丹尼尔·津加罗(Daniel Zingaro)