
[译] [808] 本章小结

cssmagic opened this issue · 0 comments



  • Debugging is an important skill that includes finding errors in code and then correcting them.
  • Print statements can be an effective way of learning about what is happening in your code.
  • The VS Code debugger is another way of learning what is happening in your code that provides powerful features for monitoring how variables change as the code executes.
  • Once an error is uncovered, there are multiple ways to help Copilot fix the error for you, but if that fails, you can often fix the code directly.
  • Our workflow of designing functions now includes debugging, and with the skill of debugging, you are more apt to write the software you want.
  • Outside of debugging, the VS Code debugger can be a powerful tool in learning more about how the code works.
  • 调试是一项关键能力,它包括寻找并修正代码中的错误。
  • 利用打印语句能有效地帮助你理解代码的运行情况。
  • VS Code 调试器是学习代码执行细节的另一种方法,提供了监控变量随代码执行而变化的强大特性。
  • 当错误被发现时,有多种方式可以辅助 Copilot 帮你修正错误,但如果这些方法不成功,你通常可以直接对代码进行修改。
  • 我们的函数设计流程如今包含了调试环节,拥有调试技能使你更加能够创建出符合自己愿望的软件。
  • 在调试的范畴之外,VS Code 调试器还是一个强有力的工具,助你更深入地理解代码的工作机制。