
[译] [200] 第二章 快速上手 Copilot

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2 Getting Started with Copilot

第二章 快速上手 Copilot

This chapter covers


  • Setting up Python, VS Code, and Copilot on your system
  • Introducing the Copilot design process
  • Copilot’s value for a basic data processing task
  • 在你的系统中安装 Python、VS Code 以及 Copilot
  • Copilot 设计流程介绍
  • Copilot 在基础数据处理任务中的应用价值

This chapter will help you start working with Copilot on your own machine and familiarize you with how to interact with it. After you are set up with Copilot, we’ll ask that you follow along with our examples when you can. There’s no substitute for practice, and we believe you can learn right alongside us for the remainder of the book.

本章将指导你如何在自己的设备上开始使用 Copilot,并教你如何与它交流。一旦你成功配置 Copilot,我们建议你跟随书中的示例进行实践。毕竟,实践出真知。我们坚信,在本书的剩余章节中,你能够跟着我们一起学习进步。

Once you’ve set up Copilot, we’ll walk through a fun example that showcases the power of Copilot in solving standard tasks, you’ll see how to interact with Copilot, and you’ll learn how we can write software without writing any actual code ourselves.

一旦配置完毕 Copilot,我们将引导你体验一个既有趣又能体现 Copilot 解决标准任务能力的示例。你将掌握如何与 Copilot 进行互动,并学习到我们如何能在不直接编写任何实际代码的前提下进行软件开发。