
Section order in left nav (question)

asifshirazi opened this issue · 8 comments

Is there any way to re-order any section in side bar nav?

There is not a convenience method that can be used from the markdown at this time. It is in order of appearance. How might you want this feature to work? Like so?

title:   Subheadings
section: Base CSS
order: -1

This example would push Subheadings to the top.

yes....! this is what I need to say :) this enhancement will be helpful for us.

Great, I will look into adding this.

Thats cool!, thank you so much @jonathantneal

Great suggestion, again. This is now available in mdcss-theme-github v2.2.0

Use order: <number> to sort anything.

This isn't anywhere in the documentation, right? I couldn't find any mention of it.

If there is not, I would welcome a pull with the documentation. Otherwise, we rely on my remembering to write it, or writing another issue to remind me to do it. :)

Is there a way to control the order of the sections themselves rather than that of the subsections?

I mean, push the Base CSS section to the top instead of pushing subheadings to the top of Base CSS.