
Migrate to postcss-values-parser v3

Lucretiel opened this issue ยท 13 comments


postcss-values-parser v2 has some dependency warnings; please migrate to v3 to remove them.

As mentioned, there's a dependency warning in package managers for this library due to a transitive dependency on flatten 1.0.2. Displayed when installing the latest react-scripts (create-react-app):

warning react-scripts > postcss-preset-env > postcss-color-functional-notation > 
postcss-values-parser > flatten@1.0.2: 
I wrote this module a very long time ago; you should use something else.

@gknapp, yes. I am actively working on updating all of these repositories.


Several plugins rely on v2, and v3 took a minute to work out a few quirks, so I ended up sitting on performing the updates while I moved onto other projects (web components, phtml, actual job), and Iโ€™m now recently trying to get these updates in (as fast as possible) without breaking the rest of the plugin ecosystem. Anyone using postcss-preset-env (which is what ships in react-scripts) needs all plugins relying on this updated. Those plugins are spread across jonathantneal, csstools, and postcss orgs. I am actively working on this.

Hi there!

Just a friendly ping to get some news ๐Ÿ˜„
Any update about a new release using postcss-values-parser v3 ?


FYI, I have requested that postcss-values-parser backport (to v2) the removal of flatten.

EDIT: A backport is a temporary solution. The upgrade to v3 should obviously still happen.

Hi @jaredbeck,
Why postcss-value-parser maintainer would do that?
I mean V3 of postcss-values-parser already have flatten removed.
So it makes much more sens to update to V3 in this repository!

Will gladly donate to whoever does this

Update to say react-scripts 3.2.0 still shows the warning on install:

$ npm i react-scripts@3.2.0
npm WARN deprecated left-pad@1.3.0: use String.prototype.padStart()
npm WARN deprecated flatten@1.0.2: I wrote this module a very long time ago; you should use something else.

Friendly ping @jonathantneal, can we have your input about this issue please ๐Ÿ˜„ ?! Cheers

Thanks for your ping, @jimblue. I surely thought I would get to this after the offer from @niftylettuce, but I feel like I never have enough time lately. I have just assigned myself an hour to this at 3pm EST (-5, my current time zone). Maybe I can get this in then.

Yeah I kind of know that, #busy_life... thanks for your answer ๐Ÿ˜„
Have a good one

Tried to look at this too, I just don't know enough about ASTs ๐Ÿ˜Š no pressure to anyone, but any offhand resources for getting into this stuff? I found it super interesting but still a bit over my head.

Not relevant more