Bug with Sass, At-rule and Stylelint
Rekwian opened this issue · 1 comments
I reported a bug related to stylelint and sass generated by the at rule in a stylelint-config-recommended-vue repository, its owner offers to share it here, because the bug probably comes from this repository.
The error seems to be caused by the absence of node.source in @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) node.
It's possible to get around the error with postcss-html, but stylelint throws an error when it encounters a node that doesn't have a node.source.
https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/blob/cefd26769a9995d0e7484cd9f0d0bab83e7dc8d4/lib/utils/nodeContextLookup.js#L23I think you should ask postcss-sass repo for a fix it.
Issue here : ota-meshi/stylelint-config-recommended-vue#50
wrong repo