
Update the cssu.ca wiki.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Update the wiki to reflect the new dev/deploy procedures.

Deploy document should be up-to-date, no? https://github.com/cssu/cssu.ca/wiki/Deploying-to-CDF

Does anything need to be changed on https://github.com/cssu/cssu.ca/wiki/Development?

According to @jwebbed, the instructions on https://github.com/cssu/cssu.ca/wiki/Deploying-to-CDF replaces /w/.

Shoot I think you're right. I've updated the wiki now.

Is the CSSU wiki (the MedieWiki one) gone now? I think we have a backup somewhere on the server

Yeah. Just replaced it with the backup. The current deploy script excludes /w/ so I think we should be fine now.

This issue is resolved.