
What happened to the CSSU wiki?

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to https://cssu.ca/
  2. Click "Wiki" in the menu

Expected: Wiki.
Observed: 404.

Do we still have it?

The servers update on CDF broke a lot of our hosted services. We decided to migrate the hosting on github pages atm. Potential long term solutions are to use an external hosting service like heroku (draft deploys there atm), or Adam's private server.

To provide some more context, we no longer have SSH access to our old web host, dbsrv1.teach.cs.toronto.edu (i.e. publicly, so we cannot deploy new content to that server or maintain the wiki. Currently the wiki ( has a database error:

screenshot 2016-09-18 11 46 05

I'd like to set up a new host for the wiki (perhaps on AWS or DigitalOcean or something else), but unfortunately the latest wiki backup I have access to is from April 8, 2015, so the data would be rather old.

Well, that sucks. Thank you for your replies, @elliottsj @g3wanghc!

arkon commented

It's ded again

fwiw, seems like the database is stopped again:

cssuwww@dbsrv1$ mysql --user=cssuwww --protocol=tcp cssu_wordpress                                                                                                                                       cssuwww@dbsrv1
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (111)

We'll have to get the admins to bring it back up for us

god damn it ...

arkon commented

It's back for some reason...