
Include required temperature for thermal energy demands

Opened this issue · 5 comments

As discussed in Vienna I'm adding some issues from the viewpoint of industrial process modelling:

In the feature type EnergyDemand the required temperature should be included. I think not only in industrial modelling the required temperature (maybe: setTemperature ) of the energy demand is a key information for simulation.

How do you precisely defined the "required temperature" for the different end use types of the EnergyDemand?

  • for "SpaceHeating" and "SpaceCooling": we have already a heating/cooling schedule with variable set-point temperatures in the UsageZone (Module Occupancy)
  • for "DomesticHotWater": do you speak about the preparation temperature? the temperature at the tap? the circulation temperature? Is it not redundant with the supply temperature of the ThermalDistributionSystem?
  • for "Process", isn't that the supply temperature of the ThermalDistributionSystem?
  • for the other end use type (cooking, lighting, ventilation etc.), it is not particularly appropriate...

For "Processes" the set temperature of the thermal process is usually not equal to the distribution temperature:
E.g. a dryer: set temperature 90° of hot air , distribution temperature 120 °C of steam line
This is true for all indirect heating systems (heat transfer via heat exchanger)

For some applications it's a similar case as "DomesticHotWater", where you directly use the distribution medium as process medium. E.g. hot water from boiler directly used as cleaning water.

This is still in discussion and will not be part of release 0.8.0

@RomainNouvel and @kwakuwulf, could you come to an agreement here? I think you both are main participators on that discussion

The Energy ADE plenum decided at December 6th, 2017 to reject the issue.