
Dpad dot not centered

DarwenNovick opened this issue · 3 comments


How can I fix this ?

In fact, after configuring the buttons at once, you can solve the problem by resetting and correcting the buttons/joystick individually. I also encountered the same problem, but I solved it through the above methods. But if I try to reverse the joystick, the problem of the joystick not being centered will occur again, and I have not resolved this issue at present

Sandv commented

Same problem here. Controller has dpad but outputs 'analog stick' data. When mapping to Dpad it is stuck in left/down.


Any advice?
thank you!

Same problem here. Controller has dpad but outputs 'analog stick' data. When mapping to Dpad it is stuck in left/down.


Any advice? thank you!

Try to invert DPad Down and Left, basically you should have a 50-0% range instead of 0-50%.
Up and Right should still be 50-100%.