
Plan emails

wilco375 opened this issue · 7 comments

I would like to have the option to, when moderating emails, let an email through at a specific time. Because I am often forgetting to let an email through at a later time.

Would you like to do this on a specific email (when it is already in the queue)? Or to allow a mail to instant pass (if it is received on that date or already received) through on a specific date if it originates from a user in a specific group? Or based on some other condition?

cmitz commented

I think the best option is to, when moderating, allow a deliver_at option between now and 72 hours after the moderation request

Could be done with dynamic Sidekiq Scheduler jobs

That would be the cleanest way, cleaner than setting a specific window for an email to pass immediately – especially when moderation is also about content

Yes, that would indeed be my idea, when an email is in the list to be moderated (queued), add an option to accept it at a certain time instead of just instantly accepting it.

cmitz commented

If I may ask, what is your primary reason to delay an email?

Primarily when a (most of the time unexpected) more important e-mail has to be sent before another email. In that case I want to delay the email I had planned to send that day until the end of the day, but then I often forget to send it at the end of the day.

cmitz commented

Okay, thanks for the answer. We should implement your suggestion, but to me it seems a little strange that we're still micromanaging members' emailboxes this way. But we've discussed that often enough, sorry to drag it up again

A poll showed that people actually prefer getting multiple emails at once over receiving them spread across the day, so this feature is not very relevant then. So I will close the issue.