yxxxxxxxx opened this issue · 9 comments
Error using edgetaper
Expected input number 2, PSF, to be nonzero.
Error in edgetaper>parse_inputs (line 128)
Error in edgetaper (line 34)
[I, PSF, sizeI, classI, sizePSF, numNSdim] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
Error in Demo_deblur_real_application (line 76)
y = edgetaper(y, k);
Make sure you also provide the blur kernel because IRCNN takes the blurred image and blur kernel as input.
For your own blurred image, please estimate the blur kernel by a blind deblurring method first, then you can use this code for non-blind deblurring.
我是直接跑的demo,然后出现了上述错误,那这个blur kernel是一张图片吗?比如说:kerneltestsets/Deblur_set2/im01_ker01_out_kernel.png
Yes, the blur kernel is saved as an image.
i am also encounter this question,how to solve it?thanks!
Can you tell me how to estimate the blur kernel by a blind deblurring method?
Some blind deblurring codes:
The problem has been solved.
See the details:
Line 74 in f47a52a
I ever got similar errors in other codes.
Error using edgetaper
Expected input number 2, PSF, to be nonzero.
Error in edgetaper>parse_inputs (line 128)
Error in edgetaper (line 34)
[I, PSF, sizeI, classI, sizePSF, numNSdim] =
Actually, the error means that PSF is required not to contain zero elements by the function validateattributes(PSF,{'uint8','uint16','int16','double','single'},...
So, we need to check PSF to make sure it does not contain zeros. Alternatively, we can add PSF with very small numbers to eliminate zeros. It works in this way.