
problems when using `res = vl_srmd_matlab(net, input)`

zeyuxiao1997 opened this issue · 2 comments



Undefined function or variable 'vl_argparse'.
Error in vl_nnSubP (line 5)
opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin, 'nonrecursive') ;
Error in vl_srmd_matlab (line 36)
res(i+1).x = vl_nnSubP(res(i).x, [],'scale',l.scale);
Error in Demo_real_application_denoising_and_deblurring_color (line 167)
res = vl_srmd_matlab(net, input); % When use this, you should also set "useGPU = 0;" and comment "net = vl_simplenn_tidy(net);"

Zysty commented

I encountered the same problem. Have you solved it?

lkyee commented

add the function and you will solve it