conversion over docker
mvcorrea-ufc opened this issue · 1 comments
docker conversion is broken, the image is not valid (gpg keys), using a mac here
so changed first line in Dockerfile to (debian compatible distribution):
FROM bitnami/minideb:latest
then I'am able to create the image
cd tuya-convert && docker build -t tuya:latest .
then went into the container
mkdir newFolder && cd newFolder && docker run -t -i --privileged --network="host" tuya:latest /bin/bash
from the dockerfile, the files ", start, stop" are copied to the /usr/bin folder...
and the tuya-convert folder contents to /usr/bin/tuya-convert
start script just calls ./ inside the tuya-convert folder, so..
cd /usr/bin/tuya-convert && bash
then I got an error not finding pkill, and tput :) one more dependency to add to Dockerfile
apt-get install procps ncurses-bin
then the error! does the mac doesn't support the ap mode?
I just dont understand the "nl80211 not found." same when running iw list
default if driver?
any suggestions?
root@docker-desktop:/usr/bin/tuya-convert# bash
tuya-convert v2.4.5
nl80211 not found.
AP mode not supported!
Please attach a WiFi card that supports AP mode.
Cleaning up...
No screen session found.
No screen session found.
No screen session found.
No screen session found.
Closing AP
sudo: pkill: command not found
I am also running Debian and had the same issue, however I just version swapped the existing import to 0.11
and it seemed to work from there.
FROM phusion/baseimage:0.11
I had missing drivers on my laptop for the wifi card due to the Debian release which needed digging up for my wifi card to show, but not sure this is the same issue you are facing. Worth searching around your hardware if it supports AP mode. If it does, could be a driver issue?