
jupyter notebooks for examples and scientific discussions?

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Assume we implemented a whole bunch of different methods for DRS4 calibration and artefact treatment. Assume also we have somehow access to the same set of dragon data, and somehow find a way of telling our tools where the data is stored on each particular machine, where the repo is cloned to ...

Maybe by agreeing on putting a symlink called "/dragonboard_data" into our machines root folder or whatever.

In such a case, we could start exploring the pros and cons of the different methods using jupyter notebooks. The combination of code (including results like numbers and plots) and nicely rendered documentation makes this very useful, I guess.

By pushing the notebooks into the same repo, as the code, we can, I think, have more fruitful discussion among each other.

However, looking at something like this:

I think the best bet at the moment is to push "cleared" notebooks into the repo, and let people calculate the outputs on their machines. This creates permanently modified ipynb files, but is maybe worth it...

I would like to hear your opinion about it