
stop_cells are wrongly mapped

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we mapped the stop_cells assuming the channels:
(Pixel p, Hi Gain) and (Pixel p, Lo Gain) for all p
are on the same DRS4 chip.
But that is not correct

Taka clarified in a mail:

HG_0 and HG_1 go to DRS4_0
HG_2 and HG_3 go to DRS4_2
HG_4 and HG_5 go to DRS4_4
HG_6 goes to DRS4_6

LG_0 and LG_1 go to DRS4_1
LG_2 and LG_3 go to DRS4_3
LG_4 and LG_5 go to DRS4_5
LG_6 goes to DRS4_7

HG - high gain, LG- low gain and the _N means PMT or Pixel N.

The current style of getting the data of a channel and its associated stop_cell is:

import dragonboard
f = open(filename, "rb")
generator = dragonboard.EventGenerator(f)
event = next(generator)
stopcells = event.header.stop_cells

a_certain_channel = event.data[3]["high"]
its_stop_cell = stop_cells[3]

So one does not provide the "high" or "low", when getting the stop_cell.

For the fix, this will change. Now one has to provide the gain type as well, when getting the stop cell.

a_certain_channel = event.data[3]["high"]
its_stop_cell = stop_cells[3]["high"]

Working on it now.