
Not all Recipients displayed in Outlook

Closed this issue · 2 comments

acepe commented


I have attached a test-case that creates a message, adds 40 recipients, saves the file to disk and successfully reads back the file including all 40 recipients. So far so good :)

However, when i open the saved file with Outlook, only 28 recipients are displayed.
It seems not to be a general Outlook-problem, because i can create an email with more than 28 recipients manually and save/load that file and all recipients are still there.
So i suspect the file created by jotlmsg is not valid...

    public void addManyRecipients() throws Exception {
        String testFilename = "test.msg";
        int count = 40;

        OutlookMessage message = new OutlookMessage();
        IntStream.range(0,count).forEach(i -> message.addRecipient(Type.TO, "user" + i + "@xyz.com"));


        File file = new File(testFilename);

        InputStream msg = new FileInputStream(file);
        OutlookMessage inMessage = new OutlookMessage(msg);
        assertEquals("betreff", inMessage.getSubject());
        assertEquals("content", inMessage.getPlainTextBody());
        assertEquals(count, inMessage.getRecipients(Type.TO).size());
        assertEquals(count, inMessage.getAllRecipients().size());


Thanks for the report and the unit test.
I reproduced the problem, I'll look forward for a solution.

Okay, issue has been fixed.