
No highlight for modified tabs

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I have highlight_modified_tabs: true and theme: Seti.sublime-theme, modified tabs not highlighted. With Seti_orig everything is ok. Sublime build - 3083.

ctf0 commented

if you are using a Retina then yes it wont show up as i didn't make them, but i will upload the fix very soon.


No, I have Air with 1440x900

Both are modified

I just figured out, problem is I had "show_tab_close_buttons": false. Could you make highlight visible with this option like in _orig?

ctf0 commented

am kinda lost, you just need to make

"show_tab_close_buttons": true,
"highlight_modified_tabs": true,

yes, but in Seti_orig I can disable close_buttons but still remain highlighting
hightlight no close

ctf0 commented

because you need to also add "highlight_modified_tabs": false, as the circle icon is an indicator of the unsaved view, and this works with any theme not just this one :).

wait, but I want to have highlighting) To clearify - I need to remaing modification highliting but disable close buttons

ctf0 commented

am sorry i have no idea what are you talking about.