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Laravel PayMob
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Paymob integration for laravel.

Currently Supported


  • install the package

    composer require ctf0/laravel-paymob
  • publish the package assets with

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ctf0\PayMob\PayMobServiceProvider"



  • add the package routes to your routes/web.php ex.

        'prefix'     => 'orders',
        'as'         => 'order.',
        'middleware' => 'auth',
    ], function () {
  • add Billable to the model you will be billing.

  • next add getBillingData() which should return all the required fields for the order creation, check paymob requirements for more info.

    • all the optional fields has already been taken care of.
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use ctf0\PayMob\Integrations\Contracts\Billable;
    class Client extends Model implements Billable
        // ...
        public function getBillingData(): array
            return [
                'email'        => $this->email,
                'first_name'   => $this->first_name,
                'last_name'    => $this->last_name,
                'street'       => $this->address,
                'phone_number' => $this->phone_number,


# Normal

  • update paymob.controller with your own controller, which should have 3 methods

    you can check DummyController for a more detailed overview.

    type @method return
    GET checkOut returns the view where the user will press the checkout btn
    POST process get the selected payment type & make a request to paymob server
    GET complete check for the transaction hmac & save it to your server, for more info check.

# Refund

  • all you need to is to call PayMob::refund and pass to it the transaction_id & amount_in_pounds that will be refunded, ex.

    for more info check

    PayMob::refund(655, 10);


If you discover any security-related issues, please email ctf0-dev@protonmail.com.