
draw() in Bernoulli distribution

gdxie1 opened this issue · 5 comments

the line in the draw should change from self.mu.n_ones / (self.mu.n_ones + self.mu.n_zeros) to

(self.mu.n_ones - 1) / (self.mu.n_ones + self.mu.n_zeros -2)

ctgk commented

Should it be?

when you added the prior distribution, you should -1 and -2. Maybe I am wrong. Thank you anyway, it's a good project.

ctgk commented

Could you specify from which equation in PRML you though it should have -1 and -2?

Hi, I checked the book and found that you are right. I mistake the MAP of mu as the p(x=1|D) under Bayes. Sorry for this.

ctgk commented

Oh, I see! Yeah, it is confusing that we need them for estimation of mu and not for p(x=1||D).