
How to install "prml"? Thanks

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How to install "prml"? Thanks

after git clone, find the setup.py,then try "python setup.py install"

File "C:\Program Files\Python35\lib\site-packages\prml-0.0.1-py3.5.egg\prml\feature_extractions\autoencoder.py", line 11
self.parameter[f"w_encode{i}"] = nn.Parameter(np.random.randn(args[i], args[i + 1]))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I met the problem too when I used python V3.5.
I resolved the problem by using python V3.6.5.

step1: open command line (windows users), open the folder which contains setup.py (e.g. cd PRML-master).
step2: python setup.py build
step3: python setup.py install


step1: cd PRML-master).
step2: python setup.py build
step3: python setup.py install

step4: cd notebooks
step5: ipython notebook ch02_Probability_Distributions.ipynb
it still report error:
ImportError: No module named 'prml'

I attempt to run the code on my laptop as following steps:
step1: cd PRML-master).
step2: python3 setup.py build
step3: python3 setup.py install
step4: cd notebooks
step4: ipython3 notebook ch01_introduction.ipynb
there is no response with [*]

Can Mac users offer some guideline?

clone the repository on you terminal commad of you IDE , run the following code
git clone https://github.com/ctgk/PRML
if you want to work online check out the link https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1OtBevAIJZsm-kZOjS_G-z7Czc3T6xHYe#scrollTo=U-pTAGoXla5e