
pathogen installation doesn't work

adrianstaniec opened this issue · 5 comments

I can read the help, but no SPACE leader functionality works.
I installed all required plugins also with pathogen.
Can you help debug?

I don't use pathogen so I haven't test it yet.
Do you see the vim-leader-guide ?

I don't see the guide appearing.
The space is just moving the cursor to the right.

Which plugin manager do you use?

Would you be so kind to maybe provide
a minimal .vimrc and .vim configuration for the spacevim to work?

Yeah true. I'm working to improve installation and bootstrap a layer system. This evening, I've finally find a good way to do that. I'll keep you in touch.

Anyway personally I use Shougo/neobundle.vim but I know that most of people use junegunn/vim-plug

With the new 2.0.0 the installation is really simplified in distribution mode

Wow! The installation now is a marvelous breeze ;]
Very nice work! Thank you