
An extension for the Nova Editor to encode selections into double quoted strings.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

String Encode encodes the selected text into a quoted C like string literal.


StringEncode has no additional requirements.


To run StringEncode:

  • Select the Editor → Encode to quoted string menu item; or when you right click on the editor.
  • Open the command palette and type Encode


Global Configuration

Global configuration preferences apply to all workspaces unless they are overridden by a workspace configuration. To make changes to the global configuration, go to the extension library in Nova, select the StringEncode extension in the left hand side panel, and click on "Preferences". Configurable options are described below.

  • Trim Leading Whitespace - Removes leading spaces in lines.

Report a Bug or Feature Request

To report a bug or request a feature, please add an issue to the GitHub repository. Thanks!