
Loading UAV trajectories from CSV-like files.

Primary LanguageC++

MRS UAV trajectory loader

Package for loading trajectories from a CSV file into the control manager.

⚠️ Attention please: This README is outdated.

The MRS UAV System 1.5 is being released and this page needs updating. Please, keep in mind that the information on this page might not be valid.

Launchfiles and config files in this package are only examples. It is recommended to copy them into your own package and modify them there.

Commanding single client machines

Load trajectory into Control Manager from CSV or SSV file

Loading is done by calling:

roslaunch trajectory_loader single_uav.launch path:=<folder> file:=<file>

where parameters <folder> and <file> are the absolute path and filename of the trajectory file. Furthermore, these parameters of the trajectory can be set by modifying the launch file:

  • trajectory/offset - offset for the whole trajectory [x, y, z, heading].
  • trajectory/delay - sleep before loading the trajectory (also used as delay for goto start and start tracking).
  • trajectory/use_heading - whether the heading controller should follow the heading from the trajectory (otherwise it will just point in one direction).
  • trajectory/fly_now - whether the trajectory should be followed immediately after its loading.
  • trajectory/loop - whether the trajectory is infinite. Trajectory will be then looped (after the last point is reached, the UAV will be commanded to the first point again).

Note: If you intend to create your own launchfile, please note the trajectory/dynamic_uav_name parameter. If set to true, the trajectory will be loaded using the filename trajectory/filename, which is agnostic with respect to the uav_name parameter (whatever you put in trajectory/uavs/<uav_name>/filename will be ignored). This is useful when loading a trajectory for a single UAV and the name of the UAV should be loaded eg. from an environment variable, so that you don't have to specify it in the trajectories config file.

Sending command "Go to start"

To command the UAV to go to the first point of the trajectory, you can manually issue the command

rosservice call /$UAV_NAME/control_manager/goto_trajectory_start

or use trajectory_loader:

roslaunch trajectory_loader single_uav.launch mode:=goto

Note that if the trajectory/delay parameter is specified, the goto command will be delayed. You can disable this by setting trajectory/delay to zero.

Sending command "Start tracking"

To command the UAV start tracking the trajectory, you can manually issue the command

rosservice call /$UAV_NAME/control_manager/start_trajectory_tracking

or use trajectory_loader:

roslaunch trajectory_loader single_uav.launch mode:=track

Note that if the trajectory/delay parameter is specified, the track command will be delayed. You can disable this by setting trajectory/delay to zero.

Sending command "Stop following"

To command the UAV to stop tracking the trajectory, you can manually issue the command

rosservice call /$UAV_NAME/control_manager/stop_trajectory_tracking

or use trajectory_loader:

roslaunch trajectory_loader single_uav.launch mode:=stop

Note that if the trajectory/delay parameter is specified, the stop command will be delayed. You can disable this by setting trajectory/delay to zero.

Commanding multiple client machines


Setting which UAVs are targets and also which trajectories should be loaded has to be defined in a config file (see /config/example_params.yaml for an example). The parameter trajectory/uavs sets the specific options for the different UAVs. Each UAV can have a different trajectory offset, delay, looping etc. (parameters for UAV with name <uav_name> are specified under trajectory/uavs/<uav_name>/...). These override the common parameters, set in the trajectory/offset, trajectory/delay, ... parameters.

Note: If you intend to create your own launchfile, please note the trajectory/dynamic_uav_name parameter. If set to false, the trajectories will be loaded using the filenames, specified in trajectory/uavs/<uav_name>/filename (similarly for parameters of the respective trajectories). UAV names will then be automatically deduced from what is filled in trajectory/uavs/.... This is useful when loading a trajectories for a multiple UAVs with set names.

For simulations via LAN

Follow to how to set ros remote page.

For real UAV

TODO write what needs to be set up for enabling wireless communication with the UAV (ROS remote, Nimbro Network).

Load trajectories into Control Manager from CSV or SSV files

Loading is done by calling

roslaunch trajectory_loader load.launch config:=<path_to_your_trajectories_config>

or create your own launchfile similar to load.launch and use that one.

Sending command "Go to start"

Use the command

roslaunch trajectory_loader goto_start.launch config:=<path_to_your_trajectories_config>

or create your own launchfile similar to goto_start.launch and use that one.

Sending command "Start tracking"

Use the command

roslaunch trajectory_loader start_tracking.launch config:=<path_to_your_trajectories_config>

or create your own launchfile similar to start_tracking.launch and use that one.