
maRgin trading

durrhurr991 opened this issue · 9 comments

is it anyhow possible to setup the trading bot to go for margin instead of normal trading? havent found a solution for that just yet

🐨 margin trading for now is just supported only on bitfinex / ethfinex

In any case, be very careful as TBP is not working on margin. Read again all the warnings before using the bot, repeat 100 times and then carry-on.

I see so it would pretty much just make rather random quotes instead of rather calculated ones?

🐨 officialy we can say the support of margin is broken, because i do not use it daily, and cos the bot is certainly not build (i mean the math calcs of the quoting engine) with margin trading in mind

The quotes are far for random and very useful (save for the ping-pong logic), but given the lack of position management and the possibility of getting liquidated if you are over-leveraged (as is the case currently 10X for BTC/USD) : USE AT OWN RISK (i.e., don't come back to complain about losses).
Search in the issues and discussions for more info from me and others who have been there.

if one just goes for a 5Xmargin and plays it safe it would make quite some money in no time though. just tested out the margin a little bit with a coupon and since i lost a few bucks through a pump. i got a good 50% win on a small amount of usdt so if the margiN would go through with safe settings as normal trading does with a 2% a day thats quite a bit if it does not spaz and goes all in

@ctubio if i want to edit the settings to go for margin instead which of the api files would i have to edit?

🐨 i put a link to the relevant single file of the quoting engine at #1114 (comment)

so simply adding a margin tickbox would work?(somewhere at line 240+) since it would just be for kucoin that would be just one boolean value from what i can tell from the api documentation