
Binance error

flfsbr opened this issue · 1 comments


Im facing errors at Binance again:

08/15 11:05:05.848043 GW BINANCE WS streaming [levels|trades|orders|wallet].
08/15 11:05:05.848121 GW BINANCE Quoting state changed to CONNECTED.
08/15 11:05:05.852768 GW BINANCE WS ignored msg: {"error":{"code":2,"msg":"Inval id request: invalid stream"},"id":2}.
08/15 11:05:06.766448 GW BINANCE WS Disconnected, reconnecting in 7s..
08/15 11:05:06.766549 GW BINANCE Quoting state changed to DISCONNECTED.

im nto able to reproduce this error but the only stream that can be invalid is the only stream that is variable.

the only stream variable is the one fetched at /api/v3/userDataStream endpoint.

soo.. if you can't fetch your user stream, the only reason i can imagine is because its ratelimited or banned

we cannot fix this error once it happens, but we can avoid it to happen, with a bit of luck, at #1118

🐨 if you agree lemme close this issue and fix the known binance errors in the other issue