
Bus Alerts

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This feature will allow users to view all active alerts for the TCAT bus service. We will add a button in the About Us view that shows all active alerts (third screenshot). On the Route Options page, if any routes are affected by an active alert, we will show an indication on this page (views still in progress). The endpoint is written and active, see the copied specs below.


Integrate with /alerts endpoint.

Some of the specs are vague, so please update the README on ithaca-transit-backend if possible.

Note: They may not currently be any active messages. If so, do your best to imitate the endpoint form and create dummy data.

  • Completed

Create BusAlertsViewController to show alerts

This will be accessible from the InformationViewController. It should push in the navigation controller.

  • Completed

Add logic to scan through available routes to see if any are affected by active alerts.

There may be the potential issue of an alert saying a certain route is out of service. Our backend will automatically suggest different routes, and they won't appear in the available routes. This means we technically can't catch when an active alert is affecting the results. We could potentially scan through the alert message to see if any route numbers appear, but this isn't ideal. We just may not be able to catch this scenario, but worth thinking about.

  • Completed

Create view to indicate active bus warnings.

  • Completed

Current Designs

Initial Concepts. To be finalized on Zeplin soon.



Copied from backend's README. Update any helpful changes you can make on their repo!

/alerts • (GET)

Description: Return a list of official TCAT alerts/messages. A list should be included in the app, and periodically updated every so often. All fields are optional.
The date, time, and daysOfWeek fields can specify an alert that takes place for example from 10 pm March 4 (fromDate) to 12 pm April 10 (toDate) on Weekdays (daysOfWeek) from 1 pm (fromTime) to 11 pm (toTime).

Returns: [Alert]

class Alert

Name Type Description
id Int The ID number of the alert.
message String The message of the alert.
fromDate String The first date that the alert begins taking effect. UTC-formatted date string (e.g. “2018-04-10T04:00:00.000Z”)
toDate String The last date that the alert begins taking effect. UTC-formatted date string (e.g. “2018-04-10T04:00:00.000Z”)
fromTime String The start time during the date range that the alert is in effect. UTC-formatted date string (e.g. “2018-04-10T04:00:00.000Z”)
toTime String The start time during the date range that the alert is in effect. UTC-formatted date string (e.g. “2018-04-10T04:00:00.000Z”)
priority Int Priority of the alert, from 0 (highest) to 3 (lowest). Potential Return Values: [0, 1, 2, 3]
daysOfWeek String A String enum representing a day of the week: Potential Return Values: ["Every day”, “Weekend”, “Weekdays”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”, “Sunday”, “”]
routes [Int] A list of route numbers affected by alert.
signs [Int] A list of ??? affected by the alert.
channelMessages [{ ChannelId: Int? Message: String? }] A list of ChannelMessage objects. Improve description.