Error 401 requesting data from WDW parks
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Dag0n commented
WDW Parks
- themeparks version used: 5.1.34
- Operating System: Windows 10/Ubuntu 18
Describe the bug
When running the example code GetWaitTimes() fails with a 401 error.
Tested on two seperate connections.
Error getting initial state: Error: Initial state status code: 401 [{"error":"Unauthorized","reason":"Invalid login"}]
Error: Initial state status code: 401 [{"error":"Unauthorized","reason":"Invalid login"}]
at C:\testing\node_modules\themeparks\lib\disney\couchbaseChannel.js:436:33
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:85:5)
cmlara commented
Looks like the old credentials (look to be over 2 years old) are no longer being accepted.
I'm not sure if there is a reason it shouldn't be done with these credentials, but these are the ones used by the WDW 5.11 My Experience Android App and the Disneyland 5.11 Android (Both released April 2nd 2020)
change in lib/disney/couchbaseChannelDisney.js
password: 'Dhrxs2duQxgbV6y2',