
knockback hits work differently to normal minecraft (1.8)

im-a-blobfish opened this issue · 2 comments

Client version: 1.8.9
Server OS: Windows
Cuberite Commit id: 70daa63

Expected behavior

upon sprinting, the first hit to an entity will have increased knockback, though hits after that will have regular knockback, you must stop and start sprinting for a new knockback hit

Actual behavior

all hits while sprinting have extra knockback

I tried to replicate the issue but I don't know minecraft physics as much and can't really understand what is the expected bahaviour about knockback ^^

the game is certainly behaving wierdly when hitting mobs so I don't reallly know what I should look for ^^

instead of hitting a mob, try hitting a player as its much more consistent and the kb makes sense. when getting a sprint hit, the knockback inflicted should be about double, in vanilla minecraft, only the first hit you get once youve pressed/started holding the sprint button will be a sprint hit, and to get another you must stop sprinting and start sprinting, using methods such as stopping and starting moving. in cuberite, you can just hold the sprint key and spam left click and all hits will have increased knockback

managing sprint resets effectively is how effective good combos work in 1.8, and they make a huge difference in pvp