
Mining bedrock with packetmine drops bedrock.

Dashbloxx opened this issue · 4 comments

Client version: 1.12.2
Server OS: Linux
Cuberite Commit id: 770d838

Expected behavior

Using PacketMine on bedrock shouldn't drop bedrock.

Actual behavior

Using PacketMine on bedrock allows bedrock to be dropped. You can also mine pretty much any block instantly with FastBreak on.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Use FastBreak on lambda with PacketMine enabled

Server log

Server logs nothing about this.

I don't have that client, are you sure this is actually a Cuberite bug and not a bug in your client: it seems more likely to me that this is a desync and the block isn't actually deleted - have you tried reconnecting after mining it?

Actually, yes this happens when the block is mined using fastbreak it does happen server side

Can you provide a source on how the mod works?

If I recall correctly fastmine works by spamming a packet to tell that the block has been mined before it actually did